What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis. which is marked by a red, scaly rash, affects over three million people in the United States each year. For many, the dry, itchy patches are not only unsightly and embarrassing, they can also have a significant impact on their daily lives. In order to understand the condition and psoriasis treatment that can make a real difference, you need to understand what it really is and what causes it.
The Cause of Psoriasis
The actual cause of psoriasis is not known, but the condition occurs due to the skin cells growing up to five times faster than normal, healthy cells. This overgrowth results in the older cells simply piling up on the skin rather than sloughing off as they normally would.
The causes of psoriasis are based in your immune system and potentially even your genes. Those who have psoriasis often have genes that work to control the immune system that don’t function properly. In a healthy immune system that functions properly, cells that are considered invaders are attacked within the body to prevent them from spreading, such as what happens when you have an infection. However, with psoriasis, the immune system actually causes the skin cells to go into overdrive, resulting in inflammation and the patchy skin rash that is the hallmark of psoriasis.
Psoriasis Flare-Ups
Many people can go periods of time where they have no issues with their psoriasis, then something occurs that makes it flare up again. These flare-ups are often caused by triggers. These triggers can range from something as simple as a bug bite or scratching something too much to infections such as strep and even hormone fluctuations. Still others may be the result of certain medications, such as those used for heart problems, high blood pressure and mental illnesses.
Our Approach
Skin inflammation is a sign that toxins are inside your body. It appears externally because your skin is the largest and only visible organ. In the case of serious skin problems, external treatment with a cream is not sufficient. The better approach is to detoxify your body because it then expels the toxins from inside and prevents the problems from recurring.
What our customers have said
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Li
- Free Online Consultation:Online Psoriasis Treatment Consultation
- Video Consultation: Video Consultation Info
- For people who live in the San Francisco Bay area, please call 650-588-8335 to make appointment with Dr. Li.
Primary Treatment Products
Please check our discount packages in the individual product pages.
Psoriaid Capsules Directions:
For adults with mild to moderate psoriasis, take 8 capsules, twice daily; For adults with moderate to severe psoriasis, take 10 capsules, twice daily.
Psoriaid Skin Cream - is specially designed for natural relief from symptoms of scaling, flaking, itching and redness associated with psoriasis. The natural botanical essential oils develop quick penetration into the deeper layers of the skin to help reduce the inflammation, and regenerate the normal epidermal cells.
Psoriaid Skin Cream Directions:
Apply to affected area 3 times daily. Avoid contact with eyes.
Psoriaid Scalp Oil - specially designed for natural relief from symptoms of scaling, flaking, itching and redness associated with psoriasis of the scalp. The natural botanical essential oils develop quick penetration into the deeper layers of the skin to help reduce the inflammation, and regenerate the normal epidermal cells.
Psoriaid Scalp Oil Directions:
Apply oil to affected area 2 to 3 times daily.
Supplemental Products

Arthraid Capsule - Specially designed for psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and arthritis. It combines most popular anti-inflammatory agents such as Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, vitamin, mineral and some Chinese herbal medicine, such as Corydalis Yanhusuo, to help control the joints inflammation, repair the cartilage, and relieve the pain.
Therapeutic Shampoo - is specially formulated for a variety of problematic scalp conditions. It gently cleanses hair to help balance irritated scalp and stimulate hair growth. Merry Clinic Therapeutic Shampoo contains aloe vera and essential oils of tea tree, lavender, rosemary, cypress, geranium, peppermint, etc. It is effective in improving the conditions associated with dandruff and reducing flaking and itching while delivering nourishment to maintain healthy hair and scalp.

Dead Sea Bath Salt - The therapeutic effects of bathing in the Dead Sea are well known especially in treating psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. We provide 100% genuine and therapy grade dead sea salt from the middle east.
Herbal Bath Packet - is local treatment that is specially designed for moderate to severe eczema/dermatitis on hand, foot, etc. It helps control the skin inflammation and quickly relieve the redness and itching.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
**All customer testimonials as found on our Website are strictly the opinion of that person and any results such person may have achieved are solely individual in nature; your results may vary.