What is Vitiligo?
Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition in which sections of the uppermost layer of the skin lose their normal color, causing white patches to appear. The skin’s pigment is called melanin, which is produced by special cells, called melanocytes. When these cells are damaged or become unhealthy, they lose their ability to produce their normal skin color. Some areas commonly affected by vitiligo include the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips, but it can appear anywhere on the body. Although vitiligo causes no physical discomfort, the psychological stress of the condition may take an emotional toll.
What are the symptoms and course of the disease?
The presence of pale and patched areas on the extremities of the body or other areas of the skin which develop into noticeable lesions is a clear indication of the disease. Vitiligo usually begins as a singular spot that spreads to other areas of the body, and depending on the type, it may develop into larger patches. Vitiligo is most noticeable among people with a tanned or darker complexion. The increase in spots is noticed as they merge into one another, until larger or most areas of the body are covered with white patches.
The spread of vitiligo is usually slow and progressive. Vitiligo spots can vary in size, shape, intensity of the loss of color and in the profile of their distribution. Vitiligo often becomes a chronic skin condition, while in some cases it may even resolve on its own.
Our Approach to deal with Vitiligo
Skin disorder is a sign that your inner body system is unbalanced. Merry Clinic's Vitilax herbal formula is specially designed by Doctor Li to manage different stages of vitiligo. It contains fourteen different Chinese herbs. They act together to balance your immune system and stimulate the re-pigmentation of the skin. *
Merry Clinic provides an integrated vitiligo treatment to treat vitiligo internally as well as externally. There are no known side effects of this vitiligo treatment and all products are made in USA by a GMP certified factory.*
Merry Clinic has also developed Vitilax Skin Oil as part of vitiligo treatment to be used on the white patches of your skin. It can help stimulate the skin cells to produce more pigment. *
What our customers have said
Consultation with Dr. Li
- Free Online Consultation: Online Vitiligo Treatment Consultation
- Video Consultation: Video Consultation Info
- For people who live in the San Francisco Bay area, please call 650-588-8335 to make appointment with Dr. Li.
Recommended Treatment Package:
Vitilax Two Month Package: Vitiligo Treatment Two Month Package:4 bottles of Vitilax Tablet, 1 bottle of Viti-Nutrient,1 bottle of Vitilax Oil.
Primary Treatment Products;
Vitilax Tablets: Merry Clinic Vitilax herbal formula is specially designed by Doctor Li to treat different stages of vitiligo. It contains fourteen different Chinese herbs. They act together to balance your immune system and stimulate the re-pigmentation of the skin.
Vitilax Tablets Directions:
For adults, take 5 or 6 tablets each time, twice daily. For children over 6 years old, take 4 tablets each time, twice daily. For children under 6 years old, consult with our doctor before taking.
Viti-Nutrients Tablet: Our Viti-Nutrients contain 14 vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are essential for vitiligo patients. Together, these supplements work together to balance the immune system and help to rebuild new pigment in the white patches. Viti-Nutrients is also a great maintenance product to prevent the vitiligo from coming back. For best results, it is recommended to take Viti-Nutients together with the Vitilax Herbal supplement.
Vita-Nutrients Tablet Directions:
For adults or children over 12 years old, take one to two tablets each time, twice daily. For children between 6 to 12 years old, take one tablet daily.
Vitilax Skin Oil: Natural Botanical Oil for stimulating the pigmentation of skin, and improve the skin circulation for people with vitiligo. Some of the ingredients are photo-sensitive in the formula. They need some sunlight or UVB light to bring back more pigment. Vitilax Oil contains 100% Natural botanical ingredients.
Vitilax Skin Oil Directions:
Apply the oil on the white spots 1 to 2 times daily. Sun exposure (for about five minutes) is recommended after the application.
Supplemental Treatment Products

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
**All customer testimonials as found on our Website are strictly the opinion of that person and any results such person may have achieved are solely individual in nature; your results may vary.